Friday 29 October 2010

Target Audience

When deciding upon what type of audience I was going to target my film trailer towards there were a few factors I had to consider. Firstly as my trailer is for a Thriller/Action movie we had to decide upon what sort age range are we targeting for and also what gender. We felt as the trailer contains violence e.g. killing scenes that the age range would be between teenagers 17 years old, to people in their late 20s. We also felt that the majority of the people we would be targeting for would be males in these age ranges as it is these who are most attracted to these films e.g. The Transporter. Our age range was decided alogside the fact that the majority of Thriller/Action films are usually of an age rating of 15 or 18, and therefore we need to be able to make our trailer appealing to those who are legally able to see it. As we have opted for targeting this specific audience we feel that we have to represent this in our trailer by using actors of a similar age range.

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