Wednesday 27 October 2010

Film magazine front cover analysis 3

This film magazine front cover consists of 3 main colours (blue, white and yellow) for the general colour scheme for this issue of the magazine. These colours are used for the main image and the font colours for pieces of text. These contrasting colours are used to ensure that both the main image and every piece of text can be easily identified.

The name of the magazine 'Empire' is placed at the very top of the page and spreads across the entire width of the front page. The font colour for this is a deep red, this is the film magazine names trademark colour and also allows it to stand out from the contrasting background, Empire is also in block capitals. This piece of text is layered on top of the models head, the publishers were happy to do this as Empire magazine is already a well established film magazine name and this did not prevent the reader from clearly seeing the models face therefore there was no risk taken by slightly obstructing part of the image.

The main title for the main story the magazine is covering is situated under the Empire name on the left hand side of the page. This font is highlighted in white therefore and therefore can be easily read as it contrasts with the dark blue background. This piece of text is all in capitals and is the second largest piece of text on the front page.
Other sub stories have been placed down the left hand side of the page under the main story. The sub stories are significantly smaller in size than that of the main story font size which therefore makes it apparent which is the most important/ most covered story inside the magazine. The sub stories are highlighted in a white/grey font colour, however it is still clearly visible and easy for the reader to scan the information on the page. A quote from Harry Potter is placed on the right hand side of the page, and the colour of the text alternates between white and yellow. The quote is slightly larger than the sub stories which clearly shows that it is related to the main story. Three film names are placed at the bottom of the page, two names are highlighted in white, the other in yellow.
The film magazine website address is seen on the right hand side of the page just underneath the name Empire. This is the second smallest piece of text visible on the cover, however it is highlighted in red and contrasts with the dark coloured background which allows the reader the pick out the information with ease.
The magazine issue number and price is placed towards the left of the page in the middle of the letter 'M' in 'Empire'. This is the smallest piece of text on the page as it is not meant to stand out significantly and grab the readers attention immediately, but as it is highlighted in white it can still easily be seen and read.

The main image of the front cover displays Harry Potter. We are shown a medium shot of the character as he looks directly at the camera which immediately draws the readers attention to him, and the audience will therefore instantly know what and who the magazine story is covering. The dress code is appropriate as his red jacket and white and blue shirt follow the general colour scheme of the magazine, he is also wearing the characters trademark glasses.

The barcode is placed near the bottom of the page on the right hand side, this is clever as it blends a little into the bright background colour and is situated in a discrete section of the page therefore the reader will not be drawn to the barcode and the price of the magazine will not be the first thing that comes to mind at first glance.

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