Thursday 7 October 2010

Detailed analysis - The hills have eyes

The official trailer for The Hills have Eye is a total of 2 minutes and 36 seconds long.
The first screen to appear on screen is the MPAA ( Motion Picture Association of America), informing the audience of the film certificate.
The 'Fox Pictures' logo is next to appear on screen, this fades in and is on screen for about 3 seconds, while this is on screen a background sound of a siren is heard in the background, a quick transition from this to an actual clip from the film takes place while the sound of the siren is continuing.
A couple of clips are shown, then a caption which consists of a plain black background with small white font appears on screen , another series of film clips of a nuclear bomb exploding is shown while being quickly cut, followed by another caption. This goes on until 28 seconds into the trailer.
The next few clips to be shown is of a group of people on a road trip, at this point the clips shown take place during the day, the background music is quite upbeat giving a feel of normality and joy, other sounds that the audience hear is the dialogue from the characters. Each clip o far lasts about 2 or 3 seconds on screen and is cut to the next clip. Towards the end of this series of clips a faded transition to the last clip is used showing a stranger talking to them i the car which tells the audience that this section is important, this is followed by a transition like a film reel which has run out.
In the next series of clips, we are shown the group of people continuing on their road trip, but now there is no background music and we just here the sound of the car engine until the car crash. Now we see them out of the car and then a shot which makes us think someone is watching them is shown. At this point the cuts between clips get quicker and more frequent, this shows that the characters are now vulnerable, and in the background we hear a sound effect of a heartbeat which has an effect on the audience watching as it tries to make the viewers heart rate rise. The clips of the film are now in darker environments, and with the quick transitions the audience can't clearly see yet what is attacking them, until a close up of creature quickly turning round is shown. The heartbeat sound effect now stops and all that is heard is heavy breathing, at this point the audience are anticipating that something big is about to happen. The next series of clips are very short with flickering transitions to make the viewer feel disillusioned and uncomfortable.
2 minutes 13 seconds in the film name appears on a black background, the text fades onto screen for a few seconds then fades out again, while this is on screen we hear the background sound of a woman breathing heavily in fear, and the creatures laughter. The caption fades out and we see another clip from the film of a hand on the womans face for a few seconds. Next another capion fades onto screen with the films slogan of ' The lucky ones die first', a faded transition takes place to another caption which consists of the names of the cast, crew and producers, 'coming soon' and the film website at the bottom.

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