Thursday 28 October 2010

Final ideas for Trailer

Camera Angles

Throughout our trailer we will be using a wide variety of different types of shots and camera angles while shooting our footage, this is because we want to be able to display the mood and emotions during different scenes. If a variety of shots and camera angles are not used then it is clear that the moajity of scenes would not look dynamic and would end up looking very similar and the end result would be a boring looking movie trailer.

Shots that will be used during filming:
1. High Angled shot - This will be used to make a specific character in the film to maybe look inferior and helpless. The high angle shot will be used a lot during fight scenes and/or in the build up to action sequences.
2. Low Angled shot - This type of shot will be used to make it apparent to the audience which character has more power and is in control. This shot much like the high angle shot will also be used in the build up of actions sequences and/or during fight scenes.
3. Long shots - The long shot will be used at times where we need to show the whole of a characters body so that the environment that character is in can be easily identified as well as being able to see the movement of the character.
4. Medium close up - This shot will be used in scenes where we want to be able to see the emotion on the characters face through the expressions on their face e.g. anger, shock, cynicism etc. Although this shot is prodominantly used to display the characters emotion we are able to see their face down to the top of their chest, and therefore we are able to distinguish the environment they find themselves in.

As my film trailer is of a Thriller/Action genre, there are a number of different techniques that i will use while editing to ensure that it fits in with the typical conventions of a Thriller/Action style film trailer. The techniques that i will use include the cuts between scenes, the transitions and order of the footage taken.

1. Jump cut


For our movie trailer there won't be very many props needed, but the ones we do need will be significant components for what we want and need in our scenes. The props we will be using are a gun, knife and a car. The gun and knife are needed as weapons for the main character to murder others with in our trailer, and the car will be needed for our planned fight scene as we plan to use the car boot.

In our trailer there are 3 casted actors, all of which are male. One male protagonist, and 2 male antagonists.

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