Wednesday 27 October 2010

Film magazine front cover analysis 1

This front cover consists of quite a variety of different, contrasting colours. Quite dark colours are used for the main image (black, dark green and blue for the clothes used on the model. The colour of the text on this page contrasts with the main image with the use of bright green, white, purple and red, these colours are used for the text to ensure that they stand out from the main image and grap the readers attention.

The name of the magazine 'Empire'is placed relatively near the top of the page and spreads across the entire width of the cover. The text for this is highlighted in deep red which makes it stand out from the dark background and is in block capitals. This piece of text is layed behind the models head, the publishers were happy to do this as Empire magazine is already a well established film magazine name therefore there was no risk taken by slighty obstructing part of the text. A gap above this is left so that a skyline can be input.
The main title for the main story is placed underneath the magazine name and situated to the left of the page and of the model so that his face is not obscured. The fist 2 words for this is highlighted in purple, the next word 'Joker' is in bright green and has been made significantly bigger than the rest of the title to emphasize the name, the rest of the title is highlighted in white and has been reduced in size.This title has been layered in front of the main image but only covers part of the models upper body so not too much is obstructed.
Other sub-stories are situated on the right hand side of the page towards the bottom. The majority of the text for the sub-stories is highlighed in white which makes it easy for the reader to scan over the text as it contrasts with the dark coloured background of the main image however a few words are in light green which is to follow the general colour scheme on the rest of the magazine and also to emphasize these words and make them stand out more to the audience, the light green also allows the text to be easily read. The size of the text for the sub-stories is significantly smaller than the magazine name and the main story title.
The film magazine website address is placed just underneath the magazine name 'Empire' to the right of the page, this is the smallest piece of text on the page as it is not meant to stand out significantly and grab the readers attention immediatly, but as it is highlighted in red it can still easily be seen and read.

The main image for the cover of the magazine is of 'The Joker', a character in the film 'The Dark Knight'. He is wearing a purple, longsleeve shirt with a green waistcoat and purple tie, also purple trousers, green and purple socks and brown shoes. This dress code is appropriate as it follows the main colour scheme of the magazine cover (green, purple, white. The image is of the Jokers whole body sitting down looking straight at the camera, which would instantly interact with the audience.

The barcode is placed in the bottom left hand corner of the page. This is situated here as it is not supposed to stand out to the audience, this is a clever idea as the price of the magazine will not immediatly enter the readers mind.

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