Wednesday 27 October 2010

Film poster analysis 3

In this movie poster for the film 'Resident Evil' the main colours used are red and black, the red coincides with the red coloured dress that the main character wears in the actual film, and therefore follows the general theme.
The main image for the poster consists of the main character okayed by actress Milli Jovovic and another female character played by Michelle Rodriguez. Both are looking directly at the camera, Millia Jovovic is standing face on towards the camera, holding a gun in one hand, which tells the audience that she plays a significant part in the fight scenes. The other actress Michelle Rodriguez appears to be standing behind Jovovic and has her back turned, this could give the impression that she has a hidden agenda, and that during the film she could turn allegiances. Milia Jovovic is wearing a red dress which is her signature outfit that her character wears throughout the film, and therefore this links the published material to the film. This is also the case for the other actress as she is wearing the same outfit on the poster as she does in the actual film.
The names of the actresses are placed at the very top of the page highlighted in white which makes it stand out on the dark coloured background of the main image.
The name of the film is positioned near the top of the page, just under the names of the actresses but just above the heads of the characters in the main image, this is highlighted with 2 different colours (white, with tints of red), this follows the general colour scheme and stands out well to the audience s this is the largest piece of text on the page. The film slogan is positioned just below the image of the characters to ensure that it is not obstructive. This is highlighted in white which makes it clearly visable to the audience even though it is significantly smaller than the name. The block of text which includes the names of people involved in the creation of the film is situated below the slogan, the font size for this is quite small as it is not meant to draw the readers attention to it immediately, however with it being highlighted in white people are still able to read it.
The official website linked to the film is seen at the very bottom of the page and is highlighted in red to continue the colour scheme.

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