Wednesday 27 October 2010

Film poster analysis 2

In this movie poster for the film 'Transporter 3' 3 main colours are used (White, Black and blue, these colours are used for both the main image and the font colour for every piece of text on the poster.
The main image used for the poster is of the main character played by actor Jason Statham shown as if he is in mid air during a fight scene while holding his trademark weapons. The image of him is displayed in black and white however there is an image of a woman which is in colour, this gives the poster a more modern look but more importantly it tells the audience that this woman has a major role in the film. The main image also consists of Jason Stathams trademark car during the film.

The main actors name is positioned at the very top of the poster and is highlighted in blue. The size of the font for this is not very big however with it being in blue it is able to stand out on the white background.
The film name is positioned in the centre of the page and has been made significantly larger than any other piece of text on the poster. This is highlighted in white and is able to stand out to the audience as it is placed on top of the black suit of the actor. The film slogan is situated just above the film name and has been reduced in size significantly deliberately as it is not meant to stand out to the audience.
Text consisting of the names of people involved in creating the film are placed underneath the film name. The font for this is very small as it is not meant to stand out and is highlighted in white.

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