Wednesday 27 October 2010

Film poster analysis 1

In this poster for the movie 'Hitman' 3 main colours are used (Black, red and white), this coincides with the general colours the main character wears (black suit, white shirt and red tie). By the woman in the background also wearing a red dress it shows a link between her and the main character of the film, giving the audience the impression of her either being a love interest to the Hitman or being a danger to him due to her being positioned more in the background looking at him which could tell the audience that she might be working behind his back. The main image of the hitman displays him directly looking out into the audience with a slightly evil/cinister smile. He is wearing his trademark outfit which is a black suit, white shirt and red tie and is also posing with a silver gun which tells the audience that this weapon will play an important part in the film.

The film name 'Hitman' is displayed about three quarters down the page. This is the largest piece of text on the poster which is done deliberatly so that it stands out to the public and they can quickly and easily see the name of the film even if they are only glancing at it while passing by. This text is also highlighted in red which follows the genral colour scheme.
Information including names of directors, producers, companies involved in the film and actors are positioned under the film name. The font for this information is the smallest on the page as it is not meant to stand out and grab the audiences attention. This is highlighted in white.
The release date of the film is situated underneath and is highlighted in red, and is the second largest sized piece of text on the poster and therefore the viewer can easily see when the film is due to be released.
Finally the website which is linked to the film is positioned at the very bottom of the page and is the second smallest sized font on the page again done deliberatly to make it discrete.

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