Wednesday 27 October 2010

Film magazine front cover analysis 2

This film magazine front cover consists of 3 main colours for the main colour scheme (blue, white and black), these colours are used for both the main image and the font colour for titles and sub stories. Black and white are used for the majority of the text on the page, this is so it can be easily read on the blue background colour in the main image.

The name of the magazine 'Empire' is placed relatively near the top of the page and spreads across the entire width of the front page. The font colour for this is a deep red, this is the film magazine names trademark colour and also allows it to stand out from the contrasting background, Empire is also in block capitals. This piece of text is layered behind the models head, the publishers were happy to do this as Empire magazine is already a well established film magazine name therefore there was no risk taken by slightly obstructing part of the text. A gap above this is left so that a skyline can be input. The main title for the main story is placed underneath the magazine name and situated to the left of the page and of the models body. We can see that the title is layered on top of the main image but only a small amount of it covers part of the model. The font for the main title is highlighted in white which can be read relatively easily. With each word of the title the font size gets slightly smaller, 'X-Men' is the biggest sized font of the title and therefore will grab the readers attention as they can see straight away what film is being covered by the magazine as their main story.
Other smaller stories are placed below the main title down the left hand side of the page and on the right hand side. The font size for these smaller stories is significantly smaller than for the main story which emphasizes the importance of the X men review. The font colour alternates between white and black which allow the reader to easily scan through pieces of information quickly. Also the sub stories which are highlighted in white have been made slightly transparent as the opacity level has been lowered, but the text is still clear to see. All of the titles and sub - stories are in capitals and in basic font which also makes it clear to the reader what the magazine will consist of.
The film magazine website address is placed just underneath the magazine name on the right hand side of the page, this is highlighted in white. The font size for the address is the second smallest on the front cover as it is not meant to stand out and make the reader notice it straight away. The magazine issue number and price is placed towards the left of the page in the middle of the letter 'M' in 'Empire'. This is the smallest piece of text on the page as it is not meant to stand out significantly and grab the readers attention immediately, but as it is highlighted in white it can still easily be seen and read.

The main image for the cover is of X men character Wolverine. The image displays three quarters of his body while he is standing, he is not looking directly at the camera but is looking above as if he is looking into the distance. He is wearing a white vest, and blue jeans, this colour combination is appropriate as it follows the main colour scheme of the magazine (white, black and blue).

The barcode is placed near the bottom of the page on the right hand side, this is clever as it blends a little into the bright background colour and is situated in a discrete section of the page therefore the reader will not be drawn to the barcode and the price of the magazine will not be the first thing that comes to mind at first glance.

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