Thursday 21 October 2010

Detailed Analysis - Hitman

The official trailer for Hitman lasts a total 2 minutes and 17 seconds long.
The first thing to appear to the audience is the '20th century Fox' logo, this lasts on screen for about 5 seconds and then a flash transition. The first series of clips in the trailer are short takes and consists of faded transitions, at this point we hear slow background music and dialogue of the narrator. This changes 20 seconds into the trailer where a fight scene is shown and quick cuts are used, although the tempo of the trailer does not really increase as the background music is still slow.
The background music changes 26 seconds in assisting a flash transition to signify a change in the mood, there is not much music but just a low beat so that we can clearly hear the dialogue as it is important and which signifies the rising action. In the next series of clips the tempo alternates due to the use of quickly cut scenes, slow faded transitions and editing of a clip into slow motion.
At 37 seconds we get another flashed transition, this is accompanied by faster background music, and shorter clips which are quickly cut to quicken the tempo of the trailer. Captions start to be used half way through which consist of medium sized text highlighted in white and a large logo placed on a plain black background, the logo and text on the caption slowly move away.

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