Monday 4 October 2010

Detailed Analysis - Dawn of the Dead 2004

The official trailer for the 2004 remake of Dawn of the Dead is a total of 2 minutes and 30 seconds long.
The first screen to appear to the audience is the MPAA (Motion Picture Association of America), informing the audience the film certificate has been approved of.
Next we see the logo of the major movie studio 'Universal Pictures' fade in, this stays on screen for just over a second and then fades out. Straight after the film company logo of Strike Entertainment fades quickly into view for a second and then a faded transition from this to the start of a clip from the film begins.
At the start clips from the film are accompanied by slow music to give the feel of happiness and normality as we see the woman talking to her daughter in the driveway. In these series of clips there are slow, faded transitions which give a feel of calmness. Captions are used to inform the audience what time of the day these clips are taking place e.g. 'evening', these captions consist of a plain black background and medium sized white font.24 seoncds into the trailer we get another caption but now the music tone changes to a lower note telling the audience that something is about to happen, straight away were here the sound effect of a ticking clock and now the is no background music. Now there are no transitions between clips at this point and they are just quick cuts which coincide with the rising action as we see a blurred image of the daughter in the doorway. on 42 seconds we see and hear the dad scream as he is being attacked by the daughter, the next few series of clips are now accompanied by a piercing sound effect, cuts between these clips increasingly get quicker.
On 52 seconds the pace slows down again as the woman stands in the driveway looking arounds her, we here slow and low toned music and heavy breathing. Now more captions appear, but the now the font has changed slightly, and when the caption fades into picture we there is a sound effect to accompany it to give the audience a feel of danger.
In the next few clips the piercing sound effect returns and close up shots of the main characters are shown and quickly cut, this then fades out. 1 mnute and 20 seconds into the trailer clips appear for a second and then cut to a black screen accompanied by stuttering music. As the music get louder and more intense the clips shown get shorter and cuts are quicker and more frequent which tells the audience thigs are getting worse.
2 minutes and 15 seoonds in a white screen appears blankly but then arms and hands are shown rubbing up against the screen as if it were people trying to get into a building and makes the viewers feel uncomfortable because it looks as though they are trying to ge to the audience, this lasts for 5 seconds. This is done as this image will be remebered by the audience due to the last few images being what they remember most.
The film logo flashes onto the screen, and this will be linked to other publicity material such as posters and billboards that advertise this film. The next caption has a plain black background and white text and consists of the names of producers and oher people working on the film. The final caption flashes onto the screen like the film logo and consist of the text 'Coming Soon' which leaves the audience in suspense.

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