Monday 15 November 2010

Filming Schedule

We constructed a filming schedule which enabled us to shoot our shootage quicker and more efficiently. In this schedule we included the time and date filming would commence, actors that would be present at a particular scene and also the locations that will be used. Our filming took placed between Tuesday 9th November and Saturday 13th November.

Tuesday 9th November:
Location - School grounds
Actors - Anthony Kapas, Josh Cuncarr, Michael Grayston
Time - 10:00am - 12:30pm

Wednesday 10th November:
Locations - School grounds, Anthony's House,
Actors - Anthony Kapas, Josh Cuncarr, Michael Grayston
Time - 9:30am - 1:00pm

Friday 12th November:
Locations - Underpass outside school, School Carpark
Actors - Anthony Kapas, Stefano Santos, Steven Bonito
Time - 11:00am - 1:00pm

Saturday 13th November:
We plan to re-shoot any scenes we feel are not quite right
Locations - TBD
Actors - TBD
Time - TBD

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