Saturday 11 December 2010

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Trailer- From the audience feedack I learned that our film trailer overall was a success and enticed the target audience to want to go and see the actual film. One of the most successfull components of the trailer was the chosen music, as our audience felt that it captured the mood of the trailer, madde the trailer more dramatic and built up tension, and also the change in the tempo of the usic halfway through the trailer was a favoured featured. People liked the way the footage had been cut in a such a way to ensure it was timed well to the beat of the music. From feedback we gathered that the most favourite part of the trailer was the scene where the hitman attacks a man beside the car and throws him in the car boot, they especially liked the point of view shot when the car boot shuts on the man. The black and white effect also received positive comments as many people felt that this added a dark mood and feel to the trailer accompanied with the music.

Film Poster- The film poster recceived very positive feedback from the majority of those we asked. They felt the poster sold the film very well as all the different aspects of the poster were associated with the film itself by the use of colour, the main image used (edited to black and white) linked the effect used in the trailer, the font style and colour was the same on all products so the audience could easily associate each of them with eachother. The majority of the audience said that the poster we created looked professional as the conventions on already existing published material was used e.g. the layout of the text and the use of them main character in the image which people felt was memorable as we used a medium close up shot of the actor for the photo. Another positive feature on the poster was the fact we had the character posing with the gun which in the trailer itself is the signiture weapon for the main character and people felt this was a good way of linking the two.

Magazine Front Cover- For our magazine front cover we also received very positive comments from the majority of the target audience. People felt it looked professional due to the use of typical conventions of existing material. The colour scheme was well received as many poeple believed it followed the general colour scheme used in the trailer and the poster, and therefore people were easily capable to associate the magazine with the film.
There were not many negative comments on our magazine cover, thoe negative comments were only on minor details and nothing on the major components of the cover. People like the way the PUG was still able to stand out even though we did not use a vibrant colour, and many thought that if we had used a more vibrant colour then it would look out of place and degrade the overall look of the cover. All the conventions were well received such as the barcode, the date and price of the magazine and the layout of text and the image.

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