Saturday 11 December 2010

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary text?

The combination of our media product and ancillary text is very strong and apparent, as we have used the same font style and colour in the captions within our trailer, and the titles on the magazine front cover and poster, therefore the audience is easily able to associate the 3 pieces of material with eachother. The images used for both the poster and magazine front cover are very closely linked to the trailer which enable the viewer to easily tell that all 3 different product are part of the same campaign.

Above are 3 images, one from the poster, one from the magazine cover and the other is a screen shot from a caption within the trailer. The font style and colour in each of these products is exactly the same. By doing this it aids the audience in linking the 2 different pieces of published material and the trailer together.

Above are the 2 main images that were used for the film poster and a screen shot from one of the scnes in the trailer . A link between the 2 images and the screen shot is clear to see and therefore makes it easy for the audience to associate the poster, magazine and trailer with eachother.

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