Saturday 11 December 2010

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

To complete this project we used a wide variety of different technologies to create the 3 products. We used more cmplex technologies which enabled us to widen our knowledge and display our creative skills.

Google was used at the start of our project which alowed us to view different film magazine fton covers and film posters. After choosing specific posters and covers on Google images, we used Blogger to upload these images and then analysed each of them.

To analyse existing film trailers we used Youtube. We used the website to search for trailer that were associated with my target audience and my chosen genre for my own trailer.

We used blogger to input all of our our information and to write up my anaylsis of different film magazines, film posters and movie trailers. Blogger enabled me to upload sections of my coursework such as my filming timetable, upload photos of locations that were going to be used during filming and to upload my finished products (film trailer, magazine cover and poster).

We used the programme Adobe Photoshop to enable us to create the magazine front cover, the film poster and the captions within the trailer itself.

A video camera was used for us to shoot all the footage. Along with the camera itself we had a tripod which meant we could take steady shots which was sued for the majority of scenes in our trailer, but we also held the camera by hand for scenes such as the car boot.

We used the program Adobe PremierPro for us to create the actual trailer. All our footage was uploaded to this program, and we were able to choose which clips we wanted and from there we could then edit the selected footage. The timeline allowed us to put the scenes in order, it also enabled us to put the background music alongside the footage.
Using this program proved to be the most challenging as this was the first time any of us had attmepted to use this software. This software was much more complex than the others e.g. photoshop and therefore we had to take some time to get used to the arrangment of the program

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